Archive for month: November, 2018

Hardanger Herbarium

On saturday 3rd of November the exhibition Hardanger Herbarium opens at Kabuso, museum of modern art in Øystese.
Ingrid Pasmans from the Netherlands will exhibit her works in the foaje of the museum next to the exhibition Harrang/Havaas/Lillefossen.

In Augustus and September 2018 Ingrid Pasmans was working as an artist in residence in KHMessen in Alvik. The nature of Hardanger was a great inspiration to her. Ingrid Pasmans made a “Hardanger Herbarium”; plants, leafs, flowers and seaweed she found in Hardanger dried in an old Norwegian encyclopedia. She used the plants of the Hardanger for the artworks; two 2,5 meters high watercolors of the weeds and an installation of porcelain tiles. The watercolors were also part of the exhibition in Odda in September 2018.

Her work consists of drawings, watercolors and porcelain work, and projects for public spaces.
The experience of nature and history are a great source of inspiration to her. The works exude a certain fragility and the material used is often laborious She works in her own studio, teaches at the Rijksmuseum and the Hermitage Museum Amsterdam and she works on community art projects.
