Hardanger to the world – and the world to Hardanger
Artwork and articles written as a result of guest residencies at Kunstnarhuset Messen in Ålvik, Norway.
The Artist-in-Residence Program at Kunstnarhuset Messen continues a long Hardanger tradition. For hundreds of years artists have been coming to find inspiration in the fjord landscapes of this area, possibly the most well-known being the Norwegian romantic national painters.
From the start of the Kunstnarhuset Messen program in 2008, artists from all over the world have been applying to come for a stay to find inspiration in our region. Some have been moved by the natural environment and the people, others have pursued general projects.
Most artists begin showing work from Messen in their own countries. Many have been able to let us see a little of their art while staying here, but mostly the full results of the stay will come after returning home. Some of the artists have also been writing articles about their time in Ålvik, Messen or about Hardanger.
Many productive meetings have taken place between artists in Hardanger and the guest artists. Good contacts have been made across borders and languages and the beginning of an international network has taken place.
Here you can see some of the wonderful artwork and the publications that have resulted from residencies at Kunstnarhuset Messen. There are profound cultural benefits to be had for both Norwegian and international artists in this stimulating and supportive environment.
Link to the online documentation is : doc.khmessen.no or click on the image above.
Dokumentasjon på Norsk: https://www.khmessen.no/messen-dokumentasjon/