Sublime Landscapes
Ninet Kaijser from the Netherlands was one of our last guest of this year for KHMessen. From now the artist residency goes into hibernation until the first of January when the new guests will arrive again.
Ninet Kaijser makes drawings with color pencils. Her drawings reminded us so much of Norwegian landscapes that it suprised us that she had never been here before.
Just before Ninet left for the Netherlands again we paid her one last visit at her studio to admire the large landscape drawings she has been working on this month.
The typical earthly colors and the absence of humans the landscapes make you feel as if you are part of something huge looking out over water and mountains. You can almost feel the crispy air you often have on a mountain top and the smell of moist moss hangs in the air around you.
The drawings are inspired on the walks Ninet did in the past month. Where she merged with the Norwegian landscape. Sometimes overwhelmed by its beauty. In het studio she revives this feeling and forms the landscape that has been shaped in her mind by memory, smell, sight and inner thoughts. With this she creates a new land-shape.