Author Archive for: simone

About simone

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that simone contributed 105 entries already.

Entries by simone

Open Studio 24th March

KHMessen will open their door again for the next Open Studio at 24th March. kl. 18:00 – 21:00 For some of the artists it marks the end of their stay at Messen, yet for others the beginning. Participating artists are: Zsófia Jakab (Hungary) Carla Souto & Álvaro Giménez Ibáñez  (Spain) Graham Murtough (USA) Filipa Pontes […]

Solo exhibition Seirin Hyung

We are very proud to announce the solo exhibition of Seirin Hyung at Galleri Bokboden in Bergen. Paintings made during her residency at Messen ! Opening at 5. March, from kl. 17:00 – 19:00 !

Open Studio of Iryna Vorona and Pavlo Baltaziuk

Welcome to the Open Studio presenting: Iryna Vorona and Pavlo Baltaziuk – Ukraine based mixed media artists. Irina and Pavlo have stayed 1 month at KHMessen. During this working period they have dived totally into the norwegian way of living, meaning; working hard, hiking, fishing, enjoying the sunset and capturing nature through there selfmade television […]

Alt Går Bra

Hvor ofte har du muligheten til å snakke om ditt drømme-samfunn? Måten samfunnet er organisert på avgjør alle aspekter av livet ditt: kvaliteten på helseomsorg, utdanning, offentlig transport og boligsituasjon. Andre viktige avgjørelser bestemmer hvordan samfunnet organiseres og drives, som for eksempel utviklingen av bærekraftige måter å leve på som tar i betraktning naturvern og […]

Selected artists for 2018

We like to congratulate the artists for being selected for a residency at KHMessen in 2018! We are looking forward to meet you ! Philipp Bünger (Germany) Juliette Romboti (Greece) Filipa Pontes (Portugal) Graham Murtough (USA) Seirin Hyung (UK / South Korea) Zsófia Jakab (Hungary / UK) Carla Souto / Álvaro Giménez Ibáñez (Spain) James […]

Successful Open Studio

Thank you very much every one that visited the Open Studio last wednesday! We were happy with the well-attended evening. We also like to thank the participating artists for showing their exciting works! Thank you Ross for you lovely poetry reading, Maia for showing your personal art works, Anastasia for your mundfull performance and videoworks, […]

Open Studio August

Thank you all for a very inspiring Open Studio this August! At Ivana Tkalcic studio, watching her new video works, made here during her residency at Messen. (Photos Christian Santana Prinz) At the studio of Cristina Megia Fernandez. (Photo Christian Santana Prinz) Messen inspires… The sketchwall in studio of Cristina Megia Fernandez. At Asumi Hayashi […]