Author Archive for: simone

About simone

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that simone contributed 105 entries already.

Entries by simone

Open Studio August

We all enjoyed the Open Studio last August! The photo´s show the diversity of the artists that stayed at Messen during the summer. Thanks everybody for participating!

Røyst Trio concert at Messen

Monday 13 juni, 19:00 Røyst Trio concert at KHMessen ! (with nice weather outside !) Røyst Trio is a contemporary jazz-world-folk a capella trio collectively led by the three Norwegian composers and voice musicians Kari N Bleivik, Maria Jardardottir and Cecilie Giskemo. Røyst Trio performs original music written and arranged by the members of the […]

Call to participate in Norway’s First Small Talk Festival

On Tuesday May 24th from 18:00 till 21:00 (or later) Ålvik will have the premiere of a new festival dedicated to small talk. The festival will take place at Ålvik’s Open Air Music Chapel (OAMC). The rollable, foldable small talk starters kit that is made by Messen’s resident PJ Bruyniks will be shown there. This […]

KHMessen at Galleri puls

Messen’s Open House is a public meeting between the guestartists, staying in Messen at that moment, and the local people and those interested. The guestartists give a presentation about their work, a workshop or give a concert. In every way they would like to present themselves, and their work. All works and photographs by Tiziana […]

Exhibition Ellen de Vries

Ellen de Vries is a dutch photographer, living in Haarlem (NL), who was a resident of Messen during the summer of 2014. The result of her stay is now visable, projected as slide show, on the windows of Galleri puls in Norheimsund. Until February 2016. Interview with Ellen de Vries, after her stay in 2014. […]

An Inspirational Residency

Having spent a wonderful 6 weeks at Messen Kunstnarhuset over the previous summer, I was keen to return there for September and October 2015. It is really an inspirational residency. The environment – on the banks of Hardanger fjord – is spectacular. There are wonderful trees and plants and rocks to draw, endless walking possibilities, […]

Truande [looming]

The sea is steely grey and reflective, hard and animated. The bus carries me out of the town, past the place where I was shown how to pull a trigger and swing a lasso, past the place we moored a boat and attended a small camp-fire party one pleasant evening, past the steps to Kjepso, […]

Knitting project in Ålvik

Jen Pepper lived for one month in Kunstnarhuset Messen, and started up this project because of her fascination about water and topographic maps. Pepper: “My project “How to wear a Hardangerfjord” is a collaborative project with three women from Alvik, Astrid Farestveit Selsvold, Camilla Gangal and Merete Salvesen Wallevik. Much of the motivation behind my […]

Coming into the Fjord

Hello from North Carolina! Now, deep in January—which I realize may mean something very different in the American South than it does in Norway, or Australia, or in the other far-flung places from which artists and writers have come to Ǻlvik—I’m warmed by thoughts of my August on the fjord. (Does anyone else from the […]